
The Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future Launched in 2015, we've hosted programming a lot of institutions around the world, bringing the world’s leaders in publishing, research, science communication and career development right to your doorstep. The Center provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. We continue to expand our offerings and improve our existing resources to help scientists accelerate their research and support their careers.

A division of the Multidisciplinary Center Publications supports researchers through journals, eBooks, scientific programs, and the news magazine to provide a forum for high-quality research related to social sciences and humanities research. The Publications Division of the Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future shall provide to its members and the worldwide scientific community a comprehensive collection, in any medium, of high-quality information products and services that advance the practice of the social sciences and related sciences and shall generate, in the aggregate, an annual net contribution from operations to support the Society's overall mission of advancing the broader social sciences and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people.

Journal list

Journals ISSN Links
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) 2364-5369 Website | Contact